• 7 Principles to building a better home

7 Principle to Building a Better home

Great Homes Don't Just Happen Haphazardly

Everyone has different tastes and styles and every custom home has many other elements that make it unique. Whether you are spending $200,000 or $2Million, there are principles you can stick by to ensure the best results for a new custom home.

1) Start with the end in mind

A house provides shelter and security but a home can be much more. It is where you will gather your family for great moments in life and celebrate many occasions. It is the place the best memories in life are made and the strongest relationships. A great home recognizes this and creates space for everyone to share together whether it is a family room, theater room, kitchen or a game room.

2) The more time you put in on the front end the better the end result

Start reading magazines and brochures and visiting showrooms to learn about everything important for your home before construction starts. There are so many gadgets and amenities that you can add to a custom home that make it very personalized and something you can be even more proud of. Additionally, some items need to be incorporated into the construction of the home and not an after thought.

3) Do it right the first time

Sometimes people are anxious to start or finish a home and determine that due to finances or time they may not finish part of the home at this time. For example, planning not to complete the basement and to get the upgraded amenities later is a plan that is difficult to complete. Many times good intentions get delayed as life continues. It is easier to complete the home the first time and normally less expensive. Additionally, what you can overlook can be an eyesore to visitors.

The world is not going to get cheaper and you are not getting any younger. Energy prices are rising effecting your monthly maintanence costs and the overall cost of home ownership.Also, if this is the last home you will own, can you grow old there? Ask your builder about energy saving construction techniques and universal design.

4) Hire the best and expect the best results

Nobody wants a cheap nor structural and mechanical problems after the home is completed. There is a reason that the best in the industry demand a higher prices. Many times people take the low bid and have the same expectations as what the high bid quality delivers. Too often the low bid is not the best decision. between lower quality materials or less experienced labor the price difference will show up at some point.

5) Take care of the people building your home and they will take care of you

Not only will they go the extra mile but when you need a favor they will be glad to oblige

6) Maintain the Bar

Expect what you asked for and don't settle for 'good enough.' Everyone gets buys during construction and more so as you get closer to the end with products arriving all the time from blinds to other finish decor. No home goes exactly together as planned. There are always questions and small changes because, while everything looks great on paper it may not actually work as expected while under construction. Delaying delivery of items or trades may be required to maintain control or adjust to changes that are made during construction.

7) Keep an Open Mind

Everything looks good on paper but you may need to change your mind. Colors affect a room differently when the walls go up and you can see it life size. The door may need to be moved when you realize it affects something else. There are all sorts of questions that arise as construction continues.


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