2022 Boise Idaho Real Estate Blog

Boise Tops Another Livability Ranking!

Main Treasure Valley Life

It’s no secret that Boise is a fantastic place to live, and we have another chart-topping reason.

According to Strategistico, Boise is one of the Most Economically Resilient Cities in America. Strategistico used 3 main criteria for how they determined each city’s economic resiliency:

  1. Workforce diversity - how the city attracts and maintains workers in traditional and new industries, as well as job creation per industry
  2. Planning and support - future-proofing the city through local officials and non-governmental organizations by providing funding, programs, making investments, and having a plan for expansion.
  3. Economic outcomes - how financially secure the city’s workforce and economy are when it comes to recession resistance, inflation defense, and long-term GDP productivity (this includes data from the Dotcom bubble burst, the Great Recession, and the COVID recession and the city's bounce-back.

Boise received the following scores (5 was the highest)

  • Workforce diversity: 4
  • Planning and support: 4
  • Economic outcomes: 4

It is unclear how/if the categories were weighted or how the rankings actually shook out since their graphic listed cities in alphabetical order. If the graphic were based on score, Boise would be tied with Arlington, VA in the middle of the rankings.

Regardless, it's great to see Boise getting recognition for its economic stability and attractiveness, instead of just the housing market. Take a look at all of the livability rankings we appear in here.

Posted by AndrewS at 7/8/2022 2:37:00 AM

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